
Thankgiving Day

Not just a food or football day but a day to remember to be thankful for what God has giving us. A free country, job, good kids, good church, and good friends. God has even helped our prayer lives. He has allowed a socialist, baby killing, business hating, military hater, reward people who hate to work, and big government person the presidency. If that doesn,t help your prayer life nothing will.
If you have ever tried to do anything with the government, from getting a loan to doing business, to trying to make sense of the regulations to talking to a official about something, it is a nightmare. They are paid to make life miserable for all people. And do a good job of it. But there is nothing you can do about it. just live with it and go on. That is what America whats. And boy do we have it now. Of course if all you want is a hand out this will be a great time for you. Just stand in line and plead your case and the money will come. Your not responsible for your decisions or the way you act. Just do what feels good no matter who it hurts and the government will give you a hand out. This whole process works better if you know all the ins and outs of welfare, food stamps, Workman's comp, or the disability system. You have a leg up on all the rest of the folks who are going to stick there hand out. But everyone will eventfully learn how to get some free money. This includes businesses who went brain dead and made bad decisions and want government money and are going to get it.



Right or wrong we have a new president. I have not met someone one who is indifferent to that fact. Plus the whole power thing has shifted. Anti war, abortion, big government, anti business, liberalism, give outs, all will become a way of life now. But the republican way got old to. And wore people out. So here we go down a anti christian, humanistic, meism way of life. I hope everyone is happy with this mess. We just had to have change. O boy have we got it.
But God knows all of this. We will soon find out who beleives this and who just runs there christian mouths. I know my prayer life has taken a big jump. Thats the good side of all this mess. When we as a people get away from God as far as we have, these things happen. God uses many different thing and people to get out attition. And bring us back to Him.



It all started in Feb when Michael asked me if he could marry Lisa. He is 35 and she is 35 so were not talking about 2 naive kids here. So I said yes you can. Than he asked what does he need to know about Lisa that would help. I looked at him, though a minute, than told him if a decision is important to him make it and make it quick. Or she will make it for him. So the adventure started.
The date of the wedding was set on 9-21 in Wis. With a reception up there and one down here at our church and another in MN at Michael's old church. So the planing started and the money began to flow. In Aug Sandra went to spend a month before the wedding to bring all the planing together. And do the final planing. Lisa's brother's family came up from TX and was in the wedding. 300 people were at the wedding and 270+ were at the reception. It was a great day and a lot of fun. It went well all day. Nothing went wrong, all came off without a hitch, thanks to Sandra's and Lisa's planing. And a lot of money. But it was all worth the time and money.


Long Time

Lets see since I have last done this I have been to WI twice, last time to marry my Daughter, been to TX once and have had a lot of fun between all that.
My daughter got married on 9-21, you talk about fun that was a fun time. Me and her always did have a special relationship. On her wedding day we toke a walk and just talked and laughed had a great time. Of course it always helps if your daughter is marrying a good man. And my daughter did just that. Lisa and Micheal have been married 6 weeks and are adjusting to marriage well or at least I think so, of course I'm 700 miles from them so what do I know. When you consider that they were 35+ years old when they got married and nether one of them were ever married before, its not going bad. A lot of adjusting to do but they will do just fine.
Sandra went up the last week of August to help Lisa with the wedding plans. Came home for 10 days than went back up to help Lisa move into Micheal's house. Than she toke a plane to TX. I drove down to be with her and the kids. Had a great time with the grand kids and there parents.
That's all for now I'll talk more about the wedding in later posts. This is just a brief outline of the last several months.


Ice-Water-Basketball and mickael

Since the last time I blogged there has been a ice storm, 5" of rain and NCAA basketball games going on. My daughter [Lisa] and her boy friend have been here. It's looks serious between Mickael and Lisa. And that is a good thing. Seems to be a fine young man.
The ice storm broke a lot of tree branches down, made a mess of the yard. Power went out for 36 hours. I got frustrated and went out and bought a 5ooo watt generator, electric start, 30 ft power cable, worked great.
Than the rains came. Good grief 5" of the stuff. Flooded the yard, made a mess of everything.
But I don't know what I'am crying about a whole lot of people had a whole lot more problems than I ever though about.
In the middle of watching a whole lot of basketball. Men and women's NCAA games. Great time killer but a lot of fun.
Great Easter service. Just another reminder of what Christ did for us.


Bill Gathard

IBYC In 1973 that is what the seminar was called. I went to my first seminar in Indy IN. 7000 people there, red note books, hand outs every break it was something. No matter what anyone says about the seminar content or how cult's it became [and it did] I grow more in Christ going thur the seminar than anywhere else. When the seminar came to Dayton in 1976 I was the materials leader for 10 years, set up leader for 3 years, than usher leader for 8 years. My wife and I have been to all regular seminars in Dayton [21]. All the advanced seminars [approx 12]. [2] Husband and wife seminars. I worked 14 pastors seminars. Bill was live at all the advanced, husband & wife, and pastors seminars. It was a great time, a spiritual growing time. Many lessons learned and Life style changes made. Now having said all that I realize He had Brother problems, big time Brother problems. His ministry was flawed in some of the insights he had into what the bible really said. [He liked to interpret it to fit his way of thinking sometimes] He had and still does a huge home schooling base of parents, who follow him colt like. He does not have any big seminars anymore [I was one in Detroit 15000 people, 6500-7000 in Dayton for years]. Nor to my knowledge does he have any advanced or pastors seminars anymore. He started a ministry in Russia, Singapore, New Zealand, and some other fortune countries. Have no idea if he is still going or not. Haven't seen anything on his ministry or what is happening there for years. When He started having all kinds of problems and the people I knew started leaving I lost interest in it. Its a real shame to see it go down hill but all things change and move on. O ya they they even changed the name to IBLP.



I spent the last weekend in northern Wisconsin. Rib Lake to be exact. Now lets back up, my daughter [Lisa] lives there, has for 14 years. She is the food service director at camp Forest Springs. Its a year round Christian camp. You have to be called of God to be there. Its just plan c0ld and snowy. I never go there between Oct. and March, weather is just to nasty for me. I've been there at Thanksgiving -26 wind chill. 25 Th of March 8 inches of fresh snow to go with 12 already on the ground. You get the point. But Lisa needed some stuff for her new house and I needed to get some stuff up for the big sale they have every year in the barn. O ya Lisa has a new boy friend who wanted to talk to me also. So up I went, sure enough its as cold as it has been for 10 years, and record amounts of snow. I'am driving my truck [3/4 ton pickup] gets 13 miles to a gal. 1400 mile trip at $3.10 a gal. do the math. All this for my 35 year old daughter. Don't tell me kids don't keep on costing you. But I'am glad I can do it.
Met her boy friend Mickael hes is a good guy. Loves the Lord and Lisa, can't ask for anymore. He is the same age as her, never been married. So we will see how this all works out. They both want Gods will in there lives so I'am sure it will work out good for both of them.
You have to have a certain mind set to live up there. Lisa was asking someone on staff if the camp would be open on a certain weekend. He just looked at her and said Lisa its only -22 and walk off, several people did show up.



Jim is a brother [3 years younger than me] who walked out of the house when he was 16. Quite school and started living on the streets. He was in the army and went to Vietnam, where he toke care of the dead soldiers. I have no idea what happened over there but he was dishonorable discharged. I got back from Vietnam in 1967 walked into the house, phone was ringing so I answered it. It was the police wanting to know if mother wanted to bail Jim out of jail. She said no. So I went down and bailed him out. Never did get the money back. He disappeared again until 1972. Showed up for Christmas, said hello and was gone for good. My youngest brother Hank, went to see him in Columbus in 1985, have no idea how he know he was there. That is the last time anyone in the family has seen him. About 2 years ago I started a back ground search for him. Got some help from a buddy who has some computer sites he uses for back ground searches part time. Jim has a record with the Columbus police department, a long record. So my brother and me started going to Columbus to all the different addresses on the police reports. All of the addresses are vacant lots or retail buldings or just aren't there. I will say one thing if you want a prostuite or drugs this is the place to go. Nasty part of town. Just got back from another trip to try to find him. No luck. Talked to some people at the salvation army, who have not seen him but though they might know some people who did. Gave them my phone number told them to call me if anything came up. Will just watch the police reports to see when he gets picked up for something than try again to find him. What is really funny is that my brother and me have no idea what we are going to do or say when we find him. But we will have found him and told him we love him. I guess that is what it is all about.



Dad died 6 years ago today. He was 86 years old, died of a heart attack. He lived in Holbrook Az. The nearest kid lived in Calf. about 8oo miles away. Just the way he wanted it. He lived in a trailer out in the desert. About 10 miles outside of town. Had a dog, three sheds to putter in, 5 cars to putter on and no neighbors. Satellite TV [one of the first in the area] Cell phone [only turned it on 3 hours a day when he remmbered]. Than couldn,t hear it if he got a call. No air condition, fans, and very little air thur the windows. Went to mass everyday, and to the bank about everyday to see if he could get a better rate on his savings. Never called or wrote anything to us kids. [There was 9 of us] If you wanted to talk to him you just started calling, hoping it was at a time when he had the phone on and hoping he would hear it. If you wanted to see him you flew to Phoenix Az, drove 4 hours north than waited until he would see you. I went there and was told he would see me in 2 days. I drove out right now figuring he would get mad and throw me off the land. He shook my hand seen me for about 2 hours than said he had to take a nap. So I left went back the next day stayed about 3 hours and left for the Grand Canyon. Went home after spending about 2 days at the Canyon. Needless to say dad didn't have any relationship with any of us kids. He just had us and moved on. When mom died that really ended any relationship with us. So I guess you can say I dont remmber many good times with him. That is why I spend so much time with my kids and grandkids.
Now having said all that, the things I did learn from him was save money, work hard, mine your own busness, shut up and listen, and do the right thing in all things.


Winter Blas

It's cold, wet, windy and gray outside. Very little sun and a little snow. But other than that it's great. Good day in church yesterday. Bad day at work today, slow night but I,am glad to be alive and up and able to take nourishment. Just sort of killing time.


Tiger Woods

All is good in the world, Tiger is playing again. I caddied at a local golf course when I was 13-14. I was there every day in the summer carrying golf bags [I carried doubles] around the golf course. This was a old money country club, you could only join if you were invited, than you had the pleasure of paying about 30000-40000 dollars to join and a big fee every month to be a member. You got to remember this was in 1959-60 when money was worth something. So this was no small potatoes. I got 12 dollars a round 6-7 days a week. Big money for a 13-14 year old. Than I worked on course year round while going to high school. I did this until I went into the service. Never played but followed it all my life. I say all this to make a point that I have been involved in golf a long time. I was sitting watching TV one afternoon killing time when I saw Tiger for the first time, it was 1998. Since than every time he has played I have tried to watch, just to see how he wills a ball into the hole is a lesson in will power. He is probably the most intense athlete there is. I have seen him make shots that no golfer could ever think about much less make. 1998,1999, 2000 were the huge years for him. Than he decided to remake his swing and had some down years [for him down years] now has finally got it where he wants it. It will be fun watching and just see how well he does.



Its cold here right now. About 5 with a wind chill of -2. Its 10:00 am in the morning for cry out load. Suppose to drop all day until 0 tonight than -20 wind chill in the morning. I hate the cold, no if, ands or buts about it.
Electric went out at the plant, that was a fun time. No power for 3 hours, machines getting cold [we use a heat process] hard to start back up. Got thur it and moved on but expensive. Dealing with a electric company is a fun time to. They didn;t know the power went out than didn;t know when they would find out where the problem was than didn;t know when they would have it fixed. Other than that it was just fine. O ya they were sorry for the inconvenience. They are sorry alright but when you are the only game in town you can do what you want when you want to.
Got to go going to start a fire in the fire place and warm my old bones.



My daughter lives in Wis. she loves the Packers and is a very happy women right now. My boy lives in Texas and has been a Cowboys fan since he was 6. He is on suicide watch right now. He can't believe that they would blow it so bad. Me! Iam enjoying the games. When you like the Bengal's, you learn to like other teams during this time of the year. The Bengal's only play [if that;s what you call it] 16 games a year, than they go home to watch all the good teams play on television. Used to be a Browns fan but lost interest after Jim Brown quite playing. Than became a Bengal fan, than lost interest after Paul Brown died. So now I watch them if I have nothing else to do on Sunday afternoon. They are a great napping team. You watch them for 15 minute's, you will fall asleep-guaranteed.



It is the silly season where normal people loose there minds. So many candidates, so many tax levies, so many issues to be decided by a vote. So many lies, half truths, crooks and noise. I let the meat grinder called primaries sort the candidates out, vote most money issues down, vote against anything calling for more government regulation, vote against any candidates that is pro choice [baby killers], more government, higher taxes, against the military, anti god in everyday life, anti business, and for more welfare.
I realize I just put myself in about the bottom 10% of the voting public but it is just the way I think things should be done. Basically my politics are just a little to the Conservative side, maybe a whole lot to the Conservative side. I could go on a whole lot more but you get the picture and with that I'll go for now.


The Ohio State Football Debacle

Let me start by saying I have been a Ohio State fan since Rex Kern's days. So I go way back but the reality is boys and girls that Ohio State can't play with the big boys. The big Ten is over rated and State keeps playing the little sisters of the poor. Having said that, it hurts my heart to watch State play the better teams and struggle. They have a great coach, lots of money, win a lot, and play hard but just don't have the ability to win the real hard games. I mean they totally collapse. I know I know don't be so hard on them but its just so frustrating to watch them go to peaces. O well nobody died or lost there salvation. At the end of the day that's all that counts. Still frustrating.


Tech Heaven

A couple of days ago I was whining and crying about my woes with the tech stuff that I have. It was all going bad at the same time and all the tech people couldn't speak English. Well all is good now. My computers power supply died, which is no big deal except that its like me "old". Its a 2001 Dell 8100 model. You can find them but its cost a arm and a leg to buy. But my brother said that one of his friends has 2-3 real old Dell computers. Sure enough the oldest one had the power supply that I needed. Got it for $30.00, works great.

My Dish network went out at the same time as the computer. The tech guy at Dish said no problem [I knew I was I trouble than]. Well after 2-3 hours of 2-3 different tech folks, they said they would send out a tech guy, which is what I wanted then to do in the first place. They said he would be here between 12-5 pm. Now that's covering all your bases. So he came out and looked all the hardware over. Started talking to himself and fixing wires, moving wires, taking wires out, putting wires in, up on the roof, in the attic, back to the van, back in the attic. 2 hours later he had everything working right except the second television. He said it needed to be hit several times with a signal. That it would take 2-3 hours to get that done. I made sure I got the number to call if it didn't work, after calling that number 2-3 hours later to find out if there was any way I could get the 2ed TV to work. Some nice tech person spent another hour getting the system to work.
Isn't the tech world a wonderful place. My head hurts. later


Baby Bommers

I was born in 1945 the oldest of 9 kids, yes my parents were catholic at least my dad was. Mom went with the flow. So far my generation has lost a war, burnt cities down, made drugs popular, changed music forever, and are the most self centered people ever born. Hows that for changing world history. We believe same sex marriage is fine, the more lawyers the better, that every thing and everybody needs to have all there rights [imaged or real ] protected or at least sued for. There kids are always right and should start out with a helping hand. I never once though about moving back home once I was out. Now every time the kid hits a hard place in the road they move back home, with there kids and significant other. What a deal. But that is how my generation raised them. We made a decision to baby them. All about decisions in raising our kids. When its to much trouble to spend time with kids because of what ever perceived reason than you get what we got today, in the kids. No respect, no discipline, no though of what they are going to do with there lives. Not all kids but 80-90 percent. I get the pleasure of hiring them. Iam one of those idiots who excepts them to be on time, come in every day, and do a reasonable amount of work when they do bother to show up. But Iam old fashion. That's why a lot of places want the over 55 crowd. At least they are willing to work, and be there every day.When hiring, those are the folks I look for. Having said all of this, you know God knows and is with us thur all this chaos. If I really believe this than I know that at the end things will be better. I need to really work on this more. With that Ill call it a day.


Everybody's gone home

They came, they had fun and they left.
Now for filling in the blanks. My daughter came from Wis. My boy and his wife, 3 grand boys, and 1 dog came up from Texas. They all were here for Christmas than the daughter went back to Wis. The boy and his family went to her parents house for a week in Lima Ohio. We played games, went to a movie, the boys played outside in the snow, Jeff, Kelly and Sandra and me went to a steak house and had a great steak. Went to church and seen a very good kids Christmas play. Than opened presents. Had a lot of fun with the boys. Its what family is all about.


Tech hell

When I was growing up there was radio and newspapers. That was all, imagine that, no Internet, wireless connections, television, GPS, ipods, dish network, computers, keyless cars, speaking of cars what is all that junk about under the hoods today. Back in the day you changed spark plugs, oil, and points, the car would last another 10000 miles before you did it again but you could do it. I digress, back on subject. Just like I posted a one line blog by mistake, Iam having problems with Dish Network, Microsoft, and my computer. The Dish never was right since I up grated to DVR, so like a idiot I wanted to go back to my old set up. When I finally got though and found a English speaking person [1+hour] he told me no problem. That's when I knew I was in trouble. Long story short, the tech guy will be here Mon. Some things work on the Dish some things don;t.
After that little fracas I went to reg. my new street and trip program on the laptop. I brought the program at Staples in a brand new box. Microsoft wants a number 25 places long from the end of the box. I had a 23 and 22 place numbers but no 25. Soooo back to the phone to India where I couldn't understand them and they had no idea why I didn't have a number. So they got me back to somewhere and found someone who could speak English. He had no idea why I didn't have the right number so I was put on hold for ever, than a gal came on and said and I quot "do you have a problem?". About that time you are ready to put Christ on the shelf and tell them in words they understand that yes I have a problem. But I pulled it together bite my lip and said yes I do. By reading a 1 fount number [my wife read it] on the disk they agreed I didn't steal the program and would give me a reg # that was indeed not on the box.
Than I went to do a email [I didn't know what a email was 10 years ago] and the computer completely died. The power supply went dead is what the computer guy said at work, and my brother also said [ He;s a IT manager at a big company]. I guess it happens a lot. Now the fun begins. My computer is 7 years old, Dell doesn't even list it on there web sight. So for a mear $110.00 I can get a new power supply. Now having said all that, there is a real possibility that isn't the problem. Can you say mother board [used to be something mother used on us kids when we got to carried away] anyway if it died I'm going to buy a new computer. In the mean time my brother is going to try and find a power supply and see if that indeed is the problem. Plus Mrs. Trimble is worried about her 6396 pics on the computer that are not backed up. Fun times.
If this keeps up I'am going to have to learn to speak Hindu.