

It all started in Feb when Michael asked me if he could marry Lisa. He is 35 and she is 35 so were not talking about 2 naive kids here. So I said yes you can. Than he asked what does he need to know about Lisa that would help. I looked at him, though a minute, than told him if a decision is important to him make it and make it quick. Or she will make it for him. So the adventure started.
The date of the wedding was set on 9-21 in Wis. With a reception up there and one down here at our church and another in MN at Michael's old church. So the planing started and the money began to flow. In Aug Sandra went to spend a month before the wedding to bring all the planing together. And do the final planing. Lisa's brother's family came up from TX and was in the wedding. 300 people were at the wedding and 270+ were at the reception. It was a great day and a lot of fun. It went well all day. Nothing went wrong, all came off without a hitch, thanks to Sandra's and Lisa's planing. And a lot of money. But it was all worth the time and money.

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