
They found my blog

My wife found out I blog, Was not real happy that she found out from our daughter. I told her that I was just playing around, trying to figure out what to write and not write. She is still upset.
My boy has not said what his thoughts are on the whole thing. You know, I said from the beginning that this will be more or less my thoughts on things. Besides you have to be registered to comment on other peoples blogs, so why not just put some of your own thoughts on here.
Having said all that its been slow at work and at the house. The grand kids left to go the Kelly's parents house for a week. Lisa went back to the camp. House all quiet for now. Jeff, Kelly and the grand kids will be back for a couple of days next week, than they go back to Texas.
Its been a fun Christmas this year. My oldest grandson, Alex did a great job reading the Christmas story from the Bible this year. He loves to read and it shows. The best that I can figure everyone got what they wanted and or needed. Got to go for now.


Anonymous said...

OOPS! Sorry, dad! I've been impressed with your blog. I am enjoying your thoughts and even learning more about you. Sorry again for letting the cat out of the bag:(

Carl Trimble said...

Not a problem