
Thankgiving Day

Not just a food or football day but a day to remember to be thankful for what God has giving us. A free country, job, good kids, good church, and good friends. God has even helped our prayer lives. He has allowed a socialist, baby killing, business hating, military hater, reward people who hate to work, and big government person the presidency. If that doesn,t help your prayer life nothing will.
If you have ever tried to do anything with the government, from getting a loan to doing business, to trying to make sense of the regulations to talking to a official about something, it is a nightmare. They are paid to make life miserable for all people. And do a good job of it. But there is nothing you can do about it. just live with it and go on. That is what America whats. And boy do we have it now. Of course if all you want is a hand out this will be a great time for you. Just stand in line and plead your case and the money will come. Your not responsible for your decisions or the way you act. Just do what feels good no matter who it hurts and the government will give you a hand out. This whole process works better if you know all the ins and outs of welfare, food stamps, Workman's comp, or the disability system. You have a leg up on all the rest of the folks who are going to stick there hand out. But everyone will eventfully learn how to get some free money. This includes businesses who went brain dead and made bad decisions and want government money and are going to get it.

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