
Cliff notes of my life

Oldest of 9 kids, 16 years between me and my youngest brother. Born and raised catholic. My dad was a otr truck driver, mother was housewife. When I was 10 years old I started delivering newspapers. At 12 started caddying at the golf course. Went to work on the golf course racking sand traps, worked 25 to 50 hours a week and went to school. After I got out of school I went full time on the course. Started drinking a lot. Brought a new car [1964 Ford Galaxy 500 bright red] Was engaged, broke up joined the marine core, couldn't pass the physical [low blood pressure, flat feet]. Volunteered for the draft, Army had no problem with my blood pressure or flat feet. Went into the airborne jumped 11 times. Went to Vietnam. Not a good experience. Came out with a attitude. Totaled the car, went to work at Harris corp, 2ed shift assembler. When not working stayed drunk. Didn,t care if the sun came up or not. No friends didn,t want any. To be continued.


south carolina dem said...

don't post this or anything, but when you are writing your blog, if you aren't a great speller or if, like me, you make a lot of typos, you can use the spell check (little check mark with abc in it, I think) before you post. It will help.

Carl Trimble said...

thank you appricate that